Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fibroadenoma, Simply Breast Mass

What is Fibroadenoma?

Lumps in the breast (credits to Google)

Fibroadenoma is a form of tumor in the breast. It is the most common benign tumor among women. Breasts have different tissues, fibrous and glandular tissues being the ones responsible for the concentration of mass in breast. The size of fibroadenomas range from grain-size to marble or the most an egg-size.

Scientists have yet to prove the cause of fibroadenomas. Most clearly account genetics as one of the major causes. Women who develop breast lumps are mostly in their reproductive years - 20's to 30's. Most studies show that fibroadenomas are primarily affected by hormonal changes in a woman's body. They feel tender and swollen when you have your monthly period.

Detection and Treatment

Large lumps can easily be felt during breast examination. They appear to be round, painless and movable lumps once you feel them under your skin. However, smaller lumps, can only be detected by ultrasound. When fibroadenomas are seen through sonograms, they appear as black round objects with well-defined edges.

Breast Examination

Fibroadenoma Ultrasound

Normally, if the lumps are not so big, they are removed surgically under local anesthesia. While those that are considerably big can be removed under general anesthesia. Breast masses are subject to biopsy and laboratory test to further analyze them composition and to rule out the possible manifestation of cancer.

Fibroadenoma Surgery

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Solutions for Bad Breath

     Got bad breath? Try licking the back of your palm and smell the damp area. What did you find out?

     Bad breath has been a problem to most people. Almost everyone gets to experience this problem, aware or not. To some, this becomes a perennial one though that it affects one's social life, confidence and even relationships.
     HALITOSIS is the medical term for bad breath and there are a number of reasons why this occurs. To some people it is not permanent. It may also be an indication of a serious health problem.


1. BACTERIA! Bacteria grow so rapidly. They grow on tongue surfaces, gums, between the teeth and down to your throat. Rough tongue surface is more prone to bacteria buildup. They produce volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.
2. Poor oral hygiene. Bad breath is primarily caused by poor dental practices. Proper brushing of teeth involves at least 3-minute brushing of gums, teeth, tongue, palate and lips. The bristles should be positioned in a 45-degree angle rubbing your teeth they should not be swept up and down or left and right! Proper brushing involves tongue cleaning. Based on reviews, those who use tongue scrapper are less likely to have severe bad breath.
***Caution: Tongue scrapping should not be done so deliberately that it may hurt your taste buds and tongue tissues. Find a tongue scrapper gentle enough to remove excess saliva and food debris. Based on studies, electric toothbrush and tongue cleaner clean better than manual thingy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bohol's Chocolate Hills and Man-Made Forest

Bohol's finest and most popular tourist attraction is no other than the CHOCOLATE HILLS.

Chocolate Hills (which of course are not really made from chocolates) are thought to have formed due to weathering of marine limestone. They only appear chocolaty during summer or hot season when the green grasses growing on them wither and the brown soil gets exposed. This is how Chocolate Hills got its name. Trees actually grow at the base.

There are more than a thousand hills covering 50 square kilometers lot.These cone -hill structures are sometimes labelled as "breasts or tummies of pregnant women". These wonders stand 30 meters to 120 meters from the ground. You can actually have a full view of these land formations when you go to the viewing deck of Chocolate Hills Complex.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Meet up with Bohol's Prony, Python and Butterflies

     Time to meet Bohol's tame and not so tame animals! lol
     We had our next stop at Largest Python in captivity area. Just at the entrance, you would see vendors selling ube, peanut kisses and other pasalubong stuff.

sleeping python

     At first, the place was a little boring because the python was sleeping and it should not be disturbed and the caretaker was out so no one would dare to open its cage. Pfffff...So what were we waiting for? We could just have left the place and moved to our next destination - but we didn't.
    A "lady" in red was just sitting outside the python's cage. I was wondering what she was doing there. We were taking pictures of the animals and for no reason I invited her to have pictures with us. "She" was really hesitant and snobbish at first. Ok fine. But my group was really game. We had a little chit chat with "her". We learned that her name was Prony.

Hesitant and snobbish Prony hehehe

   Soon enough, Prony felt a sudden energy pump (perhaps she liked us) that she herself toured us around the place with laughs and giggles. (She really has so many stories to tell.) All the while we were thinking that it was just a simple tour until she asked us if we wanted to see her perform. Perform? Yeah, perform as in sing and dance! Of course, the answer was yes!

Blood Compact and Baclayon Church in Bohol

     Your tour in Bohol would not be complete without you visiting the historic place where the blood compact or sandugo took place between Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (Spain) and Raja Sikatuna (Philippines). The monuments were built to commemorate the friendship between two nationalities. (Which later on, became a political anomaly.)
    There were lots of tourists when we got to the place. Nevertheless, for photo addicts like us, no one and nothing could deprive us from taking pictures! lol

Hardly see the monument!

"Hi sir, how are you?"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bohol + Kuya Dodong = Cheap and Super Fun trip

    Meet the right person to be with if you are planning to make a trip in Bohol. Just saw his ad in the net. I emailed a lot of agents regarding our 2010 Bohol trip, never did I imagine that a certain guy named KUYA DODONG would make our stay super worthwhile and affordable!
   Jeconias Ursos, Jr is his real name. He has facebook account so people do not fail to add him :))
Kuya Dodong and his Starex Van
       Kuya dodong owns the van himself and he has more than one to accommodate the growing number of his tourists. He has been into the business for years now. That has made him a pro when it comes to Bohol trips. 

Sandbar in Virgin Island (Bohol)

     After we took our lunch, we went straight to Virgin Island. (Named so because no one stays here for good). Here, we were welcomed by powder-like sand. The sand was really fine that you would enjoy walking along the shore barefooted.
loving the white fine sand

     Though the sun was really high, it didn't prevent us from enjoying our stay in the island. There were also lots of tourists in the area - locals and foreigners. (And some honeymooners! lol) You might want to try the sea urchin which the Boholanos are selling in bottles. (Best when cooked with scrambled egg)
    We enjoyed strolling around the island. It's a small island that you can survey its perimeter by feet. Palm trees cover the whole place with lots of unusual shrubs too.
heat, sand, beach- perfect!

sandbar in Virgin Island

Footprints and Memories